Friday, April 29, 2011

You may love the wrong person, and cry for the wrong reason. But mistake will help you find the right person for a good reason~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Nobody is perfect. Everyone have weaknesses and strength respectively. Its normal situation we will hurt to love someone. We can't feel the sweet moment for every second. Sometimes we will happy. Sumtymes we will touching. It's normal in a r/ship okeyh. Tak kan semua nye nak manis kan. Yang pahit itu la teach we how to be a better person and will improve ourselves actually.

I'm not looking a perfect guy, BUT im looking a guy who can perfect my life, guy who can guide me, make me happy forever and always by my side. Someone who always support me and bring me to the successful. Selama aku hidup 23 tahun ni, macam-macam ragam perangai lelaki yang aku kenal. Sometymes I don't know what men want from girls. Bila dah dapat tak reti nak appreciate. Bila dah hilang baru tawu nak appreciate. Its useless when you wanna appreciate after you lose them.

You may love the wrong person, and cry for the wrong reason......

First, kita tak tawu siape yang ALLAH kirimkan kepade kita untuk menjaga kita di dunia and akhirat before we getting married. We meet many people in different way. Aku tak tawu dah berape kali aku couple sebenar nye (ceyt!! ayat macam player sangat). Haahahaha. Ye la, aku start couple 10 yrs a go. Mase tu kanak-kanak rebena lagi. That time, love is called as "love monkey". Saje nak suka-suka. heeheee. Tapi bila aku dah 8teen, aku rase aku dah cukup matured to have serious relationship.

We just plan, BUT ALLAH will decide everything. ALLAH already planned everything. Ajal, maut, jodoh, pertemuan semua di tangan ALLAH. If I meet someone who love me, I will love him too. Tapi jodoh kami tak panjang. itu la di namakan, "you may love the wrong person and crying for the wrong reason". Before meet Mr Right, I meet Mr Wrong. Past teach me how to be careful and love in the correct way :)

But mistake will help you to find a right person for a good reason ...

The past will help you to meet the right person who is really love you coz the way you are. Whatever happen, you shud look yourself first. If you wanna a good person, you shud have a good personality. If you bad, you will get bad too.

I learned many things from the past. Aku tak salah kan sesape pon bila aku clash. I try to look myself, muhasabah diri aku. Ape kekurangan aku sampai kan si dia boleh mencari orang lain. May be aku tak cukup sempurna buat dye. From that, I try to improve myself to being a positive thinking person. Kalau aku menangis air mata darah sekali pon, I can't turn back the time. But, I shud look forward to get a better life in a future.

Aku tak kisah kalau orang lain nak anggap aku ni bodoh ke, hape ke sebab aku simply trust other people. Actually not!. I will take time to trust people. Once I really know someone, i put my trust to them. It's up to them whether want to keep my trust and faithful or not. Aku bukan pecaye 100% okeyh! Tapi kalau dah couple smpai 4,5 tahun, takkan still nak buruk sangka kan. Bila aku pecaye, orang tu tipu aku kaw-kaw. Takpe-takpe. Aku redha and pasrah.

Aku nak balas dendam and benci kau pon tak gune. Sebab Allah tu maha adil. Let ALLAH reply everything. I have no right to do so. Aku maafkan semua yang kau dah buat, and I don't want you to come back in my life and said "I still love you". Deymm! I hate this!. Once kau dah pergi, jangan nak datang balik kat aku sebab aku memang dah lame maafkan kau. And I want to apologizes to all people yang pernah aku sakit kan haty korang. Sometymes aku tak sedar yang aku buat kau sakit haty. Sorry! Sedangkan ALLAH mengampun kan manusia, tak kan aku yang hina ni nak sombong kan.

Ok la. Have a nice day readers!

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