Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hate this ..

Salam Readers.

First of all aku nak ucapkan salam ramdhan al mubarak buat semua pembace belog aku ni. Hope you all will be bless by Allah s.w.t.

Let we start with this..

We need each other. Please don't be selfish ..

Dalam dunia ni Allah ciptakan manusia berbeza-beza. Di sebab kan perbezaan itu la yang membuat kan kita saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Different people have different strength and weaknesses. So, we need each other ! Please stop to be a superb person who selfish. Jangan jadi orang yang pentingkan diri sendiri. Bila senang, lupa dengan orang lain. Bile susah baru kau cari orang lain.

Treat people on how you wanna others treated you ..

Kalau kau nak orang lain layan kau dengan baik, kau kene treat others nicely too so that they will respect you and treat you as what you deserved. Kalau kau ni berbaik dengan orang lain for taking advantage, you will get the same thing that is others will treat you like that. Orang lain akan ambil kesempatan atas diri kau. Kalau kau tak nak macam tu, please behave yourself. Respect others same like you respect yourself. Kalau kau ikhlas sayang kan seseorang, InsyaALLAH that person will love you sincerely.

What do you feel when people talk to you because of they wanna something from you ?
I feel like I'm very stupid coz trust people and be kind to them. Terlalu baik dengan that person, Then dye take advantage of myself. Sometimes I feel hurt with this kind of people who searching me when they wanna something. For example, dye mencari aku, texting me, call me when they feel alone and need someone beside them. Bila rasa dye dah ade orang yang boleh bahagiakan dye, yang ade depan mata dye, dye akan totally lupakan kita. Bile orang-orang tu tak ade dengan dye, baru lah dye cari kita. Damn hurt.

Kalau dengan encik boyfrend ..
Asyik kita sahaja yang kene ikut masa dye. Kita yang beria-ria nak bercakap dengan dye for all time even kita punye masa sangat pack that time. Even kita busy dengan something, kita tetap melayan kerenah dye. Even tengah mengantuk, tetap bersengkang mata teman dye sebab dye tak boleh nak tido. TAPI, ape yang dye bagi kat kita? He only talk to us when he feel alone, when he bored, when he sick and so on and so forth. Selama dye enjoy dengan kawan-kawan dye yang selalu ade dekat dye, dye buat kita ni tak wujud dalam hidup dye. At last, cari kita balik bile sunyi. Lepastu lupa kita balik. Pastu carik balik. Adoyaaaai. Ape punye spesis ini olang la.

Huuuhhhhhh. hate this. Sumpah aku benci and terasa haty when people do like this. I feel hurt when people talk to me just for something. Kadang-kadang, kita selalu pikirkan cara how to treat them nicely and selalu pikirkan macamana nak jaga haty mereka. Tapi haty kita dye sikit tak mawu jage, malah campak hati kita ni kat sungai.

They always make us as an option. And because they wanna something from us, they will make us as priority.

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