Every women need the best career to survive in this high cost life. Tak kisah lah ape pon kerjaya depa, depa tetap bekerja keras untuk diri sendiri and family. I just wanna share with you about my career journey after I finished my study. On 2012, after finished my degree, aku menganggur few month sebab belom ada rezeki yang baik untuk aku.
Suddenly my sister offered me to become temporary teacher at school where she teach. So, aku pon apply and dapat jadi cikgu sementara mengajar student form 1 and form 2. That time hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu betapa sukarnya aku nak handle student yang kelas belakang ni. Dengan perangai masing-masing degil, taknak dengar cakap aku. But I make it simple, with this kind of student, we need to treat them nicely. sebab depa suka bile kita baik and bercerita for get attention from them. When my last day, pengetua sekolah ask me to further my teaching untuk ganti cikgu lain. But I said I can't because I already get the other offer job. Sedih jugak tinggalkan student I yang baik-baik tu.
Then I try to work in account department which I got offered from Mydin HQ as account assistant. The salary actually not high, but I can't demand since I have no experienced. So, aku pon gagahkan diri untuk kerja sebagai account assistant. The environment quite ok, officemate pon ramai yang fresh graduate. Cuma yang tak best hari-hari hadap jem, pergi dan balik kerja. Stressssssss oooo. Kerja baru sebulan, ilmu di dada pon tak cukup lagi, pengalaman pon masih zero, I got another offered from much stable company.
So, I decided to resign and accept new challenge in retail which is totally different with my study background. I accept because they offered me quite high salary and the place quite ok sebab tak hadap jem hari-hari. I worked at Aeon Bukit Tinggi as Group Leader. Masa mula-mula kerja tu rasa tak suka sebab kene korbankan weekend, public holiday, work in shift. But lama-lama dah biasa dengan environment macamtu. Kawan-kawan pon baik, manager pon supportive and helpful. But my mum not really like my career because I need to back at late night when I need to do closing, I need to work extra hour till night when I have event. So, mak pesan kat aku untuk cari kerja lain. But I still don't want because I still wanna enjoy my work. Finally I resign because keadaan tak mengizinkan. Since my mum sakit, always admitted at hospital, So, aku nak jaga dia, and ikut semua cakap dia. Makanya aku ambil keputusan resign when I got another offered job. I work there for 2 years. Honestly, I love Aeon, but I love my mom more than my career there.
Then bermulalah perjalanan career yang baru di company kecil at Glenmarie as Sales coordinator. The environment is not so good since the boss is not Malaysian, so memang dia fully utilized staff. Staff only 2 person at office. Gila tak gila kan? Aku mampu bertahan sebulan je sebab penat gila kena buat semua benda. So, I decided to resign without got any offer from other company. Beranikan diri berhenti sebab stress dengan environment, stress dengan boss, stress dengan jalan jem.
I think 2 month menganggur duduk umah, kemas rumah, masak untuk mak ayah, jaga anak buah, makan, tido. Dan hasilnya memang kegemokan berlaku. Mak pesan, pergilah cari kerja apa pon, biarlah gaji murah, tapi halal dan tak stress. Then I got offered at travel company as account clerk. Frankly speaking, aku tak ada perasaan malu pon untuk bekerja sebagai kerani eventhough I am degreeholder. That time aku pikir macamane nak bayar duit kereta kalau aku tak kerja kan. So, aku pergi jugak kerja tu sebab nak bayaq segala hutang walaupon gajinya sangtlah sikit. But, syukur alhamdulillah, walaupon gaji kecik, tapi rasa cukup je. Itulah orang cakap, kalau kerja kita ikhlas dan halal, in syaa allah ade keberkatannya. I work there for 7 month. I just thinking till when I should stay with the company yang tak ade career path. so, I'm seeking other job. Syukurlah dapat offer better.
Aku decide untuk accept offer from logistic company sebabnya they pay me so high as what I wanted. I work there for one month only sebab aku tak boleh pegi dengan environment yang buatkan aku stress jiwa dan raga. Kat situ aku kerja sebagai senior account assistant. What for you work with the messy person and make you pressure even your salary is high kan? So, aku beralih arah ke hotel industry since they offer me same like my present company offered me that time.
I move to my current employer now which is newbie hotel in Shah Alam. Now, I am account officer here which is I'm the pioneer one sebabnya before this the position is vacant. This hotel start operate since September 2015. Too new kan? makanya quite susah la kerja aku sebab semua nya aku yang kena set up and filing everything proper. Syukurlah kali ni aku rase bahagia sebab environment best, officemate baik-baik walaupon boss kat sini annoying gila, tapi aku still boleh bertahan sebab annoying dia pon, dia sebenarnya baik.
In conclusion, whatever position you hold, either there give you high or low salary, that's not really important. Yang paling penting kita selesa, kita suka kerja kita, kita ada environment yang baik, tu semua yang paling penting. Just do whatever you love even some people akan pandang sinis dengan kerjaya you, do I care? Tak pernah nak kisah apa yang orang nak cakap. Aku dah lalui macam-macam kerjaya dari pelbagai industri with different position. Pernah rase kesusahan, pernah rasa keperitan kerja. Tapi tu semua sementara. You will get the best one after you through the complicated things.
Even now my mum not here, but I still satisfied with what I'm doing now. Before she gone, she really wanna me have the office hour job, weekend available, dapat coti raya, and she wanna me to not back so late, not so night like previously. I wish you proud of what I have now, mak. I always miss and love you so much till the end of my life. You are my inspiration, you sacrificed so many things for your family, mak sanggup jadi surirumah hanya kerana ingin membesarkan anak-anak menjadi insan yang berguna. Mak sanggup batalkan niat nak sambung study taking medic course just because she want to take a good care of her children. Betapa besarnya pengorbanan mak sebagai ibu kami dunia dan akhirat.
Semoga mak tenang di Sana. Al-Fatihah.
-The End-