Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Best Friends are getting married !!

Assalamualikum readers..

How was your day? Rasenya dah lama sangat aku tak post kat blog ni kan since too many things kene buat recently, too busy with my career till have no time to myself. This entry I dedicated to my super duper pretty best friends. Memandang tahun ni officially kami 25, so masing -masing decided to getting married at this age. As a friend, I am so happy when seeing my BFF so happy with new life.

Tahun ni je dah dua orang best friends aku kawin. First, Nurul Atikah Nazanuddin. She's such a good friend, understanding, caring, and supportive. We know each other since 2001 means almost 12 year we are frend. Masa dia nak kawin tuuuu banyak halangan sangat sebab kerja aku tak menentu, so susah la nak attend big day. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan urusan aku which I attend both event big day dia. Aku dapat attend nikah and reception day. By the way, aku dapat jadi dayangsss dia. Hahahaha. Macam comel je, macam comel je. Dear pretty frend, aku doakan kebahagiaan ko kekal hingga ke syurga.

 We on her nikah day. You are so beautiful dear BFF :')

 Saya sayang dia. *hug*

Bride and the Dayangssss :)

Second wedding is Fatin Bazlina and Ahmad Hamdan which both are my schoolmates. Yang Bazlina gorgeous tu BFF aku. Amad pon kawan aku jugak. Heeheee. To both of you, I wish you guys tabah hadapi segala ujian dariNya, and hope the happiness stay forever !!! Kami buddies! Takkan terpisah. Heeee.

 The bride and groom look so gorgeous and awesome !

Sayang nya dekat this lady. Love so much ! *hugNkiss*

Last but not least, I just wanna to say I love all my BFF who always be with me ups and downs, May Allah bless all of you and also your marriege. Hope our friendship till jannah. I wish Allah protect our ukhuwah and increase our love day by day. Soon InsyaAllah turn my next BFF, Anis. 

Thank you for reading everyone!
Enjoy your day ahead !

-The End-

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